hooooray for my tennis team :] heres the team pics i promised yall.
on Labor Day, didn't do much except volunteer at the Kiwanis Pancake thingy down here. we had to also walk in the parade and that was pretty tiring x_X tuesday was same old, same old. B days are such blow off classes for me! wednesday, got a crapload of homework. i conducted my first key club meeting! i think it went over pretty well :] i procrasinated on hw last night & didn't do anything. thursday was pretty much a boring day. except i stayed up till 1 30 am that night doing homowork. i pretty much failed that test we had in cal on friday but i think i passed the quiz we had in history. RAWRRR. i was so tired after i got home from tennis prac, but i had to go out to dinner with my dads friends from nebraska & florida. they all went to school with him back in vietnam so it was pretty cool. had to wake up early on saturday to go to a tennis tourney. got swept by lake highlands so that was pretty disappointing. if only i had tried harder, i KNOW i could've won my singles match x_X we didn't even win that much against richardson hs & i lost my doubles match too. im disappointed in myself cause they werent even GREAT. gahhh. now im even darker which is grosss. & i have a pretty bad sock tan. and tee shirt tan. >< got home and ate then i fell asleep at 6 and woke up at 7 am this morning. WHOAA 13 hours of sleep. thats a first since foreverrrr. sorry this post isnt interestingg. i have a boring life :X
I wish senior year wasn't such a hassle. Too bad it is.
EWWW tan lines are gross. I have a tee line too ]: How lame is that?
I love the tennis photos. I spotted you instantly. AHAH
Why do we need mathematics in general again?
dang I'm late on reading this blog haha
I'm sure you'll have another chance to beat someone in tennis. Losing isn't all that bad, you can only get better from where you are :]
You're life seems more chaotic than unintersting haha
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