I had my very first HOSA meeting after school and then had to run over to tennis practice from there. From tennis practice I had to run back to school to plan for an Key Club event on Saturday. phew. busy busy busy. That night was Senior Parking Space Auction where seniors could bid for a parking space of their very own. We have a back parking lot where everybody wants to park but seniors get a spot if they pay and win. It was a silent auction where you just write down your name & how much you bid and just try to outbid the person in front of you. The number one spot went for freakin’ 300 dollars! The second spot went for 150. geeeez. Everyone is so rich in my class x_X It was pretty intense in there, once I wrote down my name on a spot, another person would outbid me >[ In the end, I won two parking spots. In a choice between Number 48 & 37, I obviously picked the closer one. I get to paint my spot next Sunday, I’ve decided I want my name and hello kitty :]
was boring.
I made record time on the key club meeting (5 minutes) since there was another group waiting to use the cafeteria after us. I then had to rush over to the tennis courts because we had a match over Mesquite Horn. DANNNG. There was this one super fine asian guy and I think he knew I was staring at him because I caught his eye several times :P We won 16 out of 19 matches so my team is basically back on track again!
My parents went to my brother’s orchestra concert so I talked on skype with Oliver, Anh, and Hobo :] I MISS YOU GUYS! We all watched Kevin on blogtv and I watched NigaHiga on blogtv for a little bit too. My rents bought home Chick Fil A for dinner and I was like in heaven cause I was super huuuuungry.
It was Pep Rally day so all of our classes were shortened by 15 minutes. I decided not to stay for it because I had Senior Release and left school at 12:30 to go to Target to buy candy for the kc project on Saturday, headed down to the mall to Barnes & Noble to buy an english book, and then went over to my grandma’s house to spend some time with her. My grandma is the nicest little old lady you’ll ever meet. She pressured me into taking 30 dollars for gas money. loooove her to death. Went out to dinner with fambam and then went home and worked on stuff.
There was this thing called Owl Conference and it’s a pretty neat leadership event at our school. Key Club was leading a room and our room was based on leadership styles and self motivation. We first did an icebreaker where you partner up with a person and then have two circles, one inner and the other outer. One circle walks one way and the other one walks the other way. Once the music stops you run and find your partner while my friend shouted out two body parts and you had to go touch them. For example, the knee to stomach one was pretty funny because everyone was kicking their partner in the stomach. It was really entertaining to watch. After that we did a little lecture thing and then played another game. I’m too lazy to explain it but I think everything went over pretty well for just 3 hours of planning the night before. After the different room sessions were over, we did other activities and had yummy lunch. The seniors were having a car wash at this one place but I decided not to go to it because I’m starting to get sick :[
I take my senior portraits next Saturday, hope they turn out pretty! :]
awww you kinda sorta have a date, and I was ready to buy my plane ticket to come to Texas and everything, lol
You're always so busy, I don't see how you can handle it all, I hope you don't get sick!!! crap I probably jynxed it (-_-)
And I think you should put my name somewhere on your parking space in really small letters haha, jk
Awwwww!! I missed the call on Thursday, laaame, haha.
Jeeze this comment is long, ok last thing. I wanna seeee you're senior pictures when you get them! They're probably gonna be super pretty, and I get to see your new haircut too! :D
DUDE it would be hilarious if you put all our names in a tiny corner on your parking spot!
Goodness, you make me wish I was in public school! I had to buy my parking spot for fifty and I can't even do anything with it.
It surprises me when other states don't do the whole mum thing. Have fun at Homecoming!! :)
Your mums look so pretty :D Why can't Cali have the same too? Geez.
Dang it, I want a HC date! I still have yet to find someone, which is lame :P I might go single again. HAHA
We don't have any of those parking lot auctions. If we ever did, I know it'll be chaotic because majority would go on a rumble just for the best parking spot. Better yet, spend their savings for a spot -.-
Like what Cindy said above, you better show us PHOTOS :D
aww chris is a liar.. ahah
DUDE how come you NEVER make time for me Diem? I thought we were bros4life? ahha I kid, I hart you, no homo <3
Enjoy homecoming!! :]
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