Woke up at 5:45 each morning & got to school by 6:30. I LOVE MY TENNIS TEAM! We bonded so much over the weekend. We played 4 schools & lost 3 of them but that’s okay, we’re a hardcore team :] We ate Subway on Friday & Chick Fil A on Saturday. It was hot like a mofo both days and I pretty much got burnt to a crisp. I attempted to do my homework that I had brought along but that was a failed attempt. Both days were equally exhausting and I immediately crashed after I got home at night. My first all day tourney turned out pretty well (:
It was the first day of Youth Group. I had to take my little bro to classes in the morning by 9:45 and I just sat there and tried to do my homework. I mostly caught up with people I didn’t see all summer and then went to 12oclock mass. Lunch was afterwards and all the freakin’ little kids took all the food -_- Youth group was totally boring because all the seniors had left and gone to college and a lot of people quit :[ Took the little bro to Office Depot to get his binder and then went home and did whatever.
I woke up at 2:15am that morning cause being little procrastinator me didn’t do her homework until the very last minute. I finished around 4am and then fell back asleep until 6:15ish. Driving to school is such a biznatch cause of all the traffic. I got to school & picked up my schedule for the VERY LAST TIME! I compared it with everybody else and was pretty content with all my classes except freakin’ senior release. I specifically asked for it in the morning but they gave it to me in the afternoon. I can’t even go home early because I have tennis practice everyday so I’m basically stuck at school for an hour and a half doing nothing. Here’s my schedule as follows:
A1. Calculus AP w/ Mr. Pham
A2. English V IB w/ Mrs. Tisdale
A3. World Topics IB w/ Dr. Igo
A4. Senior Release
B1./B2. Clinical II w/ Mr. Saunders
B3. Anatomy H w/ Mrs. Jackson
B4. Varsity tennis w/ Coach Jackson
-Mr. Pham is Vietnamese like me! He’s so little, its really adorable. He pronounces my name in Vietnamese and he kind of has an accent. Hopefully I won’t be falling asleep a lot in his class since I have it first thing in the morning.
-Mrs. Tisdale is crazy in a good way. She has these deep thinking questions that she asks and you get to hear some pretty interesting answers from people. “If you got a tattoo that could stop terrorism, where would it be?” I said Hello Kitty on my shoulder blade… DUHH.
-Dr. Igo is SO FUNNY. I feel like I’m about to die in his class. He’s really intimidating but hilarious at the same time. I’m scared about his class though.. it seems like a lot of hard work. He’s also that type of teacher who calls on you to answer a question out loud in class and you can’t say “I don’t know” or he’ll fail you :[
-Mr. Saunders is goofy like always. I don’t have him as my real teacher though, only as homeroom. I have a different teacher at a different school I have to go to every other day which should be interesting.
-Mrs. Jackson is pretty nice and laidback. I’m going to enjoy her class & I really hope it’s a breeze.
-Tennis is tiring like always. No questions asked.
It was like a brand new first day of school! I loved all my classes because my B days are my blow off days. I hate having D lunch though because I can’t really fully digest my food before tennis and it makes me all sluggish :[ I took Nicole, Tiffany, and Priscilla over to tennis practice and made it out safely because on MONDAY this stupid girl was backing out and almost backed into my car. I was honking at her like crazy. I would’ve killed somebody if she had actually hit my car -_-
Same old, same old. We actually got homework in Calculus and I’ve been trying to keep up with his super fast teaching skills. We have a paper to already revise in English. In History, he was just lecturing and made fun of everybody like usual. During senior release, I just sat there and talked to Chad the whole time cause I COULDN’T GO HOME. I didn’t have to go to tennis today because of a Key Club board meeting. I can’t believe I’m president! Well.. I’ve been president for the past 5 months but still. I don’t think it has soaked in yet. I went to Target afterwards and got some sushi and some jellybeans. What a weird combo.. I know.
worst day of my life.

My brand new '08 civic. I didn't even have it for a week! As I was leaving the school parking lot in the morning & driving down the main aisle to go, my friend was turning left in an intersection and i guess didn't see me? He ran right into my driver's door and now I can't even open it. omfg. I cried so much that day. At first it was a bunch of shock and then the reality sunk in. Now my car is in the shop for 2 weeks & I'll be driving my moms car around. I'm kind of afraid to though..
Nothing special. We were on pep rally schedule and had shorter classes. Went with Chad during my senior release period to hang around the JV Tennis and then went back for the pep rally. Freakin' hot as hell in the gym. I have a bunch of pictures that I'll upload on myspace or something later.. Went to tennis practice & now I'm home!
Seems like senior year has been going good for you so far.
See this is why I'm afraid of driving because of what happened to you, but I guess if it happens, it happens. Just gotta be careful. I'm glad you're okay though.
Ahhh I miss tennis.
OMG. YOU"RE FRIEND IS A NOOOB. and sorry I havn't REALLY commented much! I've been busy, thats why I dont update often. lol
I hart you! no homo.
OMG YOUR CAR! daaang, I wonder what was the parent's reaction.
you're too busyyy!!!
lol! a Hello Kitty tatoo on your shoulder blade, nice.
All your teachers sound pretty cool and entertaining. And really? say "i don't know" and you get failed? daang i'd fail so quickly in that class lol. Better an interesting teacher than a boring teacher though.
I'm soooo glad you're okay and your car accident wasn't as bad as it could've been. :)
I would call you but you always sound so busy i'm afraid to call you while you're in the middle of something :/ but we'll see, maybe sometime this week i'll try!
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