Monday & Tuesday= not important.
I was gone the whole day for the district tennis meet. it was a great time hanging out with everybody, even the Naaman people. ate Sonic for lunch. during the second time when we were playing Naaman, a cold front came and you literally saw it. the sky got dark and then it went WHOOOSHH. blowing all the leaves around and it got super cold. stupid texas weather, it was sunny & hot earlier. we beat Rowlett & that all that matters! the team goes to Regionals this fridayy. but i’m not cool enough to go :[ I had to stop by Walmart to buy my brother a birthday cake & a balloon. he turned 13! now hes a nerdy little teenager (: we surprised him with it and sang happy birthday.
Thursday= boring
HOMECOMING DAY! I had to run to Yin’s house in the morning to go get the tee shirt the girls made me to wear and then spent like 340983409 minutes pinning on my mum which made me late to school to take pictures with the crew. i then had to run over to NG for my clinical classes and I was about 30 minutes late to it but Dr. Hunter didn’t care. played with the Wii Fit and took pictures. it was ironic because the school I go to for Clinicals was the school we were playing against for homecoming. hahah. went back to school and took tons of more pictures with everybody. hung out with the tennis people during fourth because we didn’t have tennis and went to the pep rally. i got teary eyed after I heard that grad song by vitamin c. WAHH. stayed after school to take more pictures and then went over to Bao’s house to hang before the football game. ate Wingstop and then headed over to the field. the fb game was boring for me so im glad i hadn’t missed out on much by not going to the games. we won 37-21! still undefeated yo. 9-0 :] the guys wanted to go to wingstop afterwards so Bao went home and I hung out with the guys for a little bit and then went home and crashed.
HOMECOMING DANCE DAY! went over to Yin’s house to get ready, Bao did my nails and Vanessa & Wendy did my hurr. we all looked pretty darn hott. We all then went over to Priscilla’s house to take pictures and tried taking pictures by the pond but it was getting dark so the pictures were futile. my date couldn’t come because band had UIL that day and had just came back and he was just going to head up to the school. took pictures and then headed up to the school. bad incident #1: i was in Victor’s car and we were driving when suddenly his tire blows out and he couldn’t brake fast enough and rear ended my other friend’s bumper. i almost started to cry again because it reminded me of that one time when I got into a car wreck. got in and did a little dancing with everybody. bad incident #2: Wendy was messing around with me and was trying to dip me when suddenly my knee went the wrong way and my patella (knee cap) popped out of place. so there was this bulging thing on the side and then i feel it go back into place a couple of minutes later. i was on the freakin’ floor in pain x_X that made me sit out for like half of the dance. i did dancing at the end but i don’t think that was a good idea because now my leg hurts even more. dance was over and then headed over to ihop with the crew and had a blast. cam took me home and i iced the leg a little and fell asleep.
limped around church the whole day.
It's currently Monday & I just went to the doctors. Shes sending me over to an orthopedic or whatever doctor to go get x rays and I have to miss class. GREAT. -_- wish me luck guys.

more pictures on FACEBOOK/MYSPACE! :]