Nightmare #1: I've been having problems with friends lately. idk, they've changed and I've stayed the same. It's been like this since summer. I don't understand the point of partying, clubbing, & getting drunk right now. I'm in no hurry to grow up and want to take things slowly. I guess things happen for a reason. Well in my dream, my girl friends were ignoring me and talking about all the parties they went to and had fun at. Somehow.. we all ended up screaming at each other and when I woke up, I was crying. I'm that type of person who HATES it when you get mad at her, I feel like crap. I get along with everybody 24/7 so I'm not used to anybody hating/being mad at me. horrrrrible feelings.
Nightmare #2: In this one, I was driving with some friends in my car. We were driving through this construction site & was going suuuper fast. Then I got to this cliff area where it had no rails. On the side of the cliff was another road underneath and this eighteen wheeler was coming towards me. Somehow I accidently swerved off the cliff into the truck. The whole time the car was flying through the air i was like "OH SHIT OH SHIT, MY CAR IS GOING TO BE DAMAGED" instead of "OH SHIT OH SHIT, IM GOING TO DIE" Somehow I knew I wasn't going to die. They say, if you die in your dreams then you die in real life. I've had plenty of nightmares where I get shot and stuff like that but I didn't die. I didn't die.. obviously. All I cared about was my car though and when I got home, my parents started yelling at me. I think I'm still kind of traumatized from the car accident I had a couple of weeks ago. These two nightmares just goes to show you how much I care about my friends AND my car. hahah.
There was a talent show I went to during 2nd period. I was deathly sick that day so I was in a daze and didn't go to tennis practice. Just went home and slept. Took a bajillion different types of medicine.
I think I did pretty beastly at tennis practice. It was probably just the medication and sickness combined together. I should get sick more often! hahah. I had to go to the library to pick up books for my research paper due on thursday. Met up with Quang at this one library but they had basically nothing so I had to drive him to a different one. We talked about everything and just bonded like old times. It was also College Fair that night and we got back from the library a little early so we just sat in my car and talked some more. It was nice. At CF, we met up with Bao & Dan. Walked around and got a bunch of papers from different colleges. When Yin showed up, Bao disappeared with her so I just hung out with the guys. I forgot how hilarious they were. We got tired of walking around so we just sat in the stands and talked about homecoming, life, and whatever. They told me of the ways they were going to ask their girl and I was just like AWWW. Dan said his was a cookie cake that said "will you go to hc with me?" and there was two slices cut, one with yes & one with no and the girl was supposed to eat the answer. Quang's way was baking her cupcakes that said "hc w/ me?" and place it at her desk 1st period. I'm supposed to help them both execute the plan. I'm really glad they finally caught on to ask girls cutely to HC but I want someone to ask me cutely too :[ All my guy friends get advice from me and my girlfriends while we're left stuck with nothing. WAHHHHH. after the quality bonding time we had, dan let quang drive his stick car. then dan got into the car and was driving 90 miles per hour in the parking lot. HELLA SCARY. yet fun at the same time. the police came and like parked near me & quangs car so we dan had to drop us off in a distance and we had to walk. i love those guys! it was a fun night.
Had a tennis match against Rowlett. WE WON BIZNATCHES! yeahhh booo yahh. I had a research paper due thursday that I hadn't started on until now. stupid procrasination. but yeah I was like on a level of stress that I'm pretty sure wasn't healthy for me. I finally finished it at 1 but didn't go to sleep until 1:30 because i dont know why. plus on top of that, I was still sick.
Stopped at the gas station in the morning to get a Monster so I was like woooooo during 1st/2nd period and then X_X after that. I can't really remember what happened that day because I was out of it. Our football team played our HUGE rivals in the district (south garland) and beat their asses. They stole our canon and did damage to it but we got a new one so suck THAT! We've had a long history of hating each other and it felt good to hear that our FB team creamed them. Wish I was there at the game though :[
I didn't have to go over to NG for clinicals so we stayed in homeroom. Dulce Lee & I went over to the donut shop in the middle of 1st to eat and I swear we were like police magnets. We had to hide a lot because they seemed to be everywhere while walking to the shop. The rest of the day went by pretty fast. Before tennis, somebody did something to piss me off so idk but I started crying. All my tennis friends were like AWWW DIEM DONT CRY. I love them :] I wasn't supposed to show up to practice till 3:30 but went at 1:00 because I had nothing else to do. I think I wore myself out before my match at 4. We had to play Lake Highlands in singles & doubles and I freakin' lost both. During my singles match I started getting hot & cold at the same time so that wasn't too good. I was just pissed from before and did poorly. I got home showered and went to dinner with the fambam. I crashed on my bed afterwards.
I had my senior pictures! IDK if it turned out well or not, but my photographer was pretty nice. He was like give me a soft smile -click- now think of hot guys or something and I like grinned pretty big hahaha. I took my yearbook ones and my cap&gown one. I'll take my outfits one later in the spring or something. My dad then took me to go buy paint for my parking spot, I spent as much money on paint as as I did on my parking spot. AIYAHHH. It better turn out freakin' FANTASTIC. He then took me to Best Buy & Circuit City to look at flatscreens cause we needed a new one. We headed home and then I took my car out to go buy groceries and dinner for me and bro and that was the endddd.
I PAINT MY PARKING SPOT TODAY! I'm excited. Well actually, I'm not painting it but I'm making an artistic friend do it cause I can't draw to save my life. I'll take pictures and post it later on here :]

it was so much fun painting mine, and helping other people paint. THANKS JULIA FOR THE HELP! more pictures on FB/myspace :]